George Bromley
Expermiental Neurofunk Double
Single Coming Soon
Looking to redefine what you think of when you hear the work Neurofunk, George Bromley aka Spekski's monstrous double single Beg/Veil is dropping in the next couple of months. Already being praised by big names in the industry including Korsakov Music and with the promotional power of the tireless Divination Recordings behind it, this release is sure to make a wave.
Beg - When you think of heavy Drum & Bass you associate it with limited musicality but incredible sound design. Beg aims to break away from this, mixing the composer's two most separate styles into a completely new audio experience, incorporating orchestral sounds and influences from classical music into driving neuro beats and basslines.
Veil - Moving away a little from the classical influences, Veil is every bit as cinematic, with huge triplet chords providing a trippy hook developed over a gritty crossbreed influenced bass.